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    JayMckay1994, ARedefined, NotMySweets, ikethemutt, Tripp1671, CooroaBane, resaboo12, Bill H, bluedaystryder, bluedaystryder

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    1. cra_zehgbaby

      My very first MSI concert!! Takin my whole crew!

    2. Headfuck

      Also my first MSI concert, They’re my favorite band!

    3. JayMckay1994

      This was the best experience I have ever had!!!!

    4. NotMySweets

      I am not a fan girl of much, but I totally Fan Girl over MSI. They harness all that I love and distill it into a frenetic elixir that I can totally spazz out to. This show was great and I was pleased with the artist’s arena VIP package. Plus I got to give them some presents I made. <3

    5. CooroaBane

      By far the best experience in my life. Definitely getting my signatures tattooed soon

    6. resaboo12

      This was one of the best concerts of my whole entire life. This was my third MSI show. Being able to be a MSI ViP was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Everything was well planned.