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    ThatSaucyFello, Alberto GS, ReynoldsStyle

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    1. ThatSaucyFello

      Attended show in a Chicken suit while my friend went as Mr. Incredible. Thought I would die of heat stroke 4 hours in. Totally worth it to make Steve chuckle.

    2. ReynoldsStyle

      My very first MSI show. Remember seeing Green Jelly perform beforehand and thought they were all right. I also remember that I brought a camera with me (one of those good ideas at the time, but ultimately a bad one later on) to try and take pics and video but got lost in the giant mosh pit when MSI went on. Had a ton of fun regardless. I still have Jimmy’s shirt he threw into the crowd (never washed, and it still smells) and I think a random bottle of water Kitty launched.