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    1. Violator

      One of my favorite concerts I’ve ever been to, and the only MSI show I’ve been to where I met all of the members after the show. I was surprised that they played “Harry Truman,” “Bite Your Rhymes,” and “Tight,” since all are rarely played. I hadn’t heard their You’ll Rebel to Anything album before, so I didn’t know all of the songs that they played until later. This was about a year before they started becoming more well-known, so I feel privileged to have seen them when they were still fairly underground.


      Yesterday I went to see Mindless Self Indulgence at The Fillmore in San Francisco. Let me just say this: They were fucking awesome. Even before the concert started, I saw Little Jimmy Urine sitting inside of the tour bus. I was wearing my shirt that says, “You’re all whores.” And I snuck-in a camera. I refuse to say where I had to hide it. But it hurt when I walked.
      So, anyways, doors opened at 7 PM. So, me, my friend Tara, her brother, her mom, and her mom’s boyfriend entered. Before the show started, I got a tour shirt, the “You’ll Rebel to Anything” CD, and a pin set. All in all, it ended up costing me around 40 bucks.
      So, Tara and I ended up being about four feet from the actual stage. After about an hour, the first opening band, Julien-K, came on and played a few stage. They were pretty good. Then, they left, and about ten-fifteen minutes later, the second opening band, Kill Hannah, came on. They sucked. The only good song they did was a cover of “Rebel Yell” by Billy Idol.
      So, Tara and I were glad when they went off. Then… a twenty minute wait. Tension ran high. “Where was Mindless Self Indulgence?” The crowd was asking. Soon, though, our question was answered! Kittie, Lyn-Z, Steve, Righ?, and Little Jimmy Urine burst onstage, performing “Shut Me Up.” The entire audience sang along and shot their fists into the air. It was awesome.
      After the first song concluded, Jimmy took center-stage and commented, “And I thought it was going to be gay after we came on!” They then preceded to perform the song “Bitches,” which everybody loves. Between songs, Jimmy talked to the audience and made wise-cracks. “I’m tired of kissing ass!” He yelled. “I want somebody to kiss my ass!” He then proceeded to pull a girl onstage, dropped his pants, and let her kiss his ass. She ran offstage, giggling, and he said, “I am never washing that cheek again!”
      In person, Jimmy’s voice is very high-pitched, Steve, Righ? is very chubby, Lyn-Z (very pretty) wore a red school-girl uniform and was amazing on bass, and Kittie was on fire on the drums.
      Then, Jimmy jumped into the audience, and I got to support his right elbow. It was sweaty and kinda gross. Oh, well. At least I got to touch him.
      Before the show, I commented to Tara, “You know what song I want them to perform, but they’re probably not going to? Harry Truman.” But, sure enough, they did it. I was so happy.
      Towards the end, the audience started cheering, “ANAL SEX! ANAL SEX!” “No,” Jimmy replied, grabbing something from behind the drum-set. “Not yet.” He then pulled out a DDR dance-pad. “Now, though, a game of DDR!” He set it up and began tapping the up and down arrows while looking at an imaginary screen. “No, too hard. Too easy. Way too hard! Hmm… Tight sounds good.” The audience cheered as the band began to perform.
      Some of the more memorably antics during the night was when Jimmy was on the side of the stage, rubbing himself, saying, “If you get pregnant from this, it’s your own damn fault!” When he finished, he asked, “Are you pregnant yet?” The audience replied with, “YES!” Jimmy donned fairy wings before singing “Faggot” and said, “I am a fairy boy. But, unlike your Fairy Godmother, I don’t sing. So, instead of me singing well, I want to hear all of your crappy voices sing this song.” He then held the mic out to the crowd as the band began to play the song. “All of you are individuals!” Jimmy said, “So dress like me and sing along to everything I say!”
      After “Bitches,” Jimmy said to the crowd, “You’re too nice! … That is not a good thing!”
      After performing “I Hate Jimmy Page,” Jimmy looked at somebody in the crowd and said, “What the fuck are you wearing!” The light shone at a boy wearing a Fall-Out Boy shirt. “Oh, Fall-Out Boy? Who’s next? Panic! At the Disco? Because, you know, they sound nothing alike!”
      Before doing a cover of “Big Poppa,” Jimmy exclaimed, “Everybody, we must perform a seance! We are ressurecting,” He set-up a cardboard sign of Notorious B.I.G. “Notorious B.I.G. However, we all must concentrate very hard! This is a big spirit, you see!” After the song, he said, “You know what? We will single-handedly bring back the East Coast-West Coast rivalry. You see anybody in a Tupac shirt, punch them right in the nose!”
      Towards the end of the show, Jimmy said, “Ok, now then, I want you to perform a message for our next show’s audience. Who, by the way, says you all suck.” He pressed RECORD, and the crowd shrieked, “YOU SUCK!” and stuck up their middle fingers. “By the way,” Jimmy said after pressing STOP. “They can’t hear this.” He said as he raised his middle finger. “Now, let’s hear you guys.” He rewound the tape and played it so the crowd sounded like a gang of Alvin and his Chipmunks. “Oh my God, you’re so scary!” He said. “I’m gonna jack-off to this later.”
      Before their last song, Jimmy said, “Now then, if you sing along, these pants might come off!” It was then that the band performed “Straight to Video.” And, sure enough, his pants did come off… to reveal a pair of shorts.
      After the song, Kittie, Lyn-Z, and Steve, Righ? exited stage while Jimmy stayed. He grabbed a sign that read, “Kisses, $1.” while the song “There’s No Business Like Show Business” blasted from the speakers. When the song finished he turned the sign around. It read, “Catching an STD from a rock star: Priceless.” Then he jumped into the audience and started grabbing one dollar bills and making-out with the people that gave the money to him. I was one of the people hoping to get a kiss. I mean, if I kiss one guy in my life, it may as well be Little Jimmy Urine, right? However, he didn’t come over to where I was.
      I was about to move over to where he was when Kittie sat down on the stage in front of me, grabbed my dollar, and signed it. Lyn-Z and Steve, Right? also sat down on part of the stage and ended-up signing things for the fans. On my dollar, all of the band signed it. On my friend’s shirt (she was at Ozzfest and could not attend), I managed all of the band members except for Jimmy to sign it.
      When I got Steve, Righ? to sign my dollar, he just slapped it onto the person in front of him’s shoulder and signed it and for the shirt he slapped it onto the person’s face and signed it.